A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Me 'n' Ken

Here's a shot of Ken and I hanging around the van trying to look tough. 
As you can see many of the plants on LOST island are actually in pots. 
And here's a shot of our album cover.
 It's kind of a collection of soft rock hits.


Maith said...

Totally enjoyed your interaction with Ken on the last Lost. I hope we get some more of this in the next eps. You're doing a great job on that tv show.

Anonymous said...

Haha, awesome shots =)

Really liked the last episode. You guys were great.

Emma said...

I would totally buy that album =D You guys are great!

Tara said...

haha you and ken have great chemistry together.

Me and a few friends were saying how we would just prefer to see you and ken recap the series, than watch abc do it this week.

Jack the Ripper said...

I saw you the other day in that Spanish tv show, "El Hormiguero"! Great!!! I love Lost! :)

Clare said...

The dialogue between your two characters is hilarious. And writing Empire Strikes Back, "but better" - pure genius. I think it's time I finally admitted it, I am a Lost addict.

Makaha Studios said...

I like it Hoth.

And I'm jealous your power's better than mine.

dcantrell said...

I like the "repeating" aspect of the jungle shots. I think I found some leftover jungle plants too:


Eugen Caitaz said...

"You 'n' Ken 'n' Car"

mimiau said...

haha I love that pictures *-* Can't wait for the next episode!!

See ya!

Becky said...

Love it! Each week, I can't wait to see you and Ken- the dialogue has been awesome these past few weeks. Now you'll just have to keep us up to date on the album release. ;)

equeyaya said...

seems like miles is hurley's new charlie. great chemistry, great episode!

Afontcu said...

Haha so cool XD see u next wednesday!

adiaspeer said...

look how cute you two are!! can't wait for tonight :o)

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Love it!!! That album will totally go platinum.

Unknown said...

Awesome album cover, I'd buy one!

And you guys are great together, the last episode was awesome. I enjoyed it very much and it made up for the Back to the Future bit. I thought Ken was kind of mean to you!

Courtney said...

heehee! Now we just need to think of an album name...

JimPel said...

What's your band's name? Me 'n' Ken works pretty well.

I wish they would do more with you talking to the dead members of flight 815. I liked seeing Charlie and Ana Lucia.

Tammy said...

Thanks for the Lost blog, I'll be lonely tonight-the recaps are the same as DVRing it (minus the commercials).
I can't wait for next week.
PS Love the "album cover", maybe a little ABBA on the record would fit in nicely, oh and a bit of Air Supply-now that's a collection!

Updates about Hanna said...

Thanks for posting the pictures of you & Ken. I love them.

Snowbird said...

You guys are great together. I would imagine that you end up with a ton of out takes when you are trying to do a scene. Hey, go for the album--or at least the cover. LOL

Dark Santi said...

I didn't know that you had a blog in blogspot! It would be nice if you put a widget in order to make posible to follow your blog via feed.

Talking about other bussiness, I really like your character in Lost and I hope too that you end up the series finale alive (I've read the interview that spanish fans made to you)! I feel (hope you too) shame about the interview that you suffer in "El Hormiguero" in Spain. By the way, I'd love the last episode. Ken and you were awesome!

And after all this geek stuff, I have to thank you for give us Hurley, one of the most trustworthy characters on that island! :D

Shelley Senai said...

LOL, love these pictures!

Shannon said...

Love the album cover! You could call your album LOST in LUV. ha ha ha ha ha

Sarah said...

I bet that'd be a rockin' album :D

marlamuppets said...

LOVE these pics. makes me happy. what a great life you have.

Sproggie said...

"It would be nice if you put a widget in order to make posible to follow your blog via feed."

You can subscribe to the feed on this link


Todd said...

Its really cool you guys enjoy each others company. Thanks for the pictures, they are great.

Ali said...

my two favorite lost dudes...especially now that sawyer's gone all soft-like. heh.

KuvE said...

I saw you in "El hormiguero" good spanish :)

I would buy that album :)

The Nicholsons said...

I think you should use the first pic for the album cover and the second picture on the "about the band" insert. Maybe some fog machines for your live gigs, opening with a cover of The Styx, Come Sail Away. Or whatever.

Heather said...

ZOMG the album cover shot made me spit out my Coke just a little bit. Totally brings on the LOLs. I would totally buy it too...last episode was awesome.

Tink said...

Well now I think you really should make a playlist for that album. ;)

michelle said...

Jorge your blog makes me smile everyday! :)

Mommycosm said...

LOL. That's priceless. I would buy that soft rock album.

Unknown said...

Is "Me 'n' Ken" the title of the album as well... or the name of your soft rock group?

I see you as a Captain and Tenille kind of feel. I expect to hear your falsetto soon.

Geoff Gentry (aka xforce11) said...

Very cool.

Unknown said...

Looks like one totally groovy album.

I'd hate to have to be the one to water all the Island's "natural" plantlife.

Antonio Gilipollas Caraculo said...

you rock!! dude

UrbanVox said...

hey... when's the album going to be available in the UK?????

Dana Zee said...

I think ya'll should go with a jazz/country sound.

Like my new avatar? The Dalmatian is my dog Sawyer, and the goldendoodle is my dad's puppy Kate. I tell dad that Kate looks more like Hurley. A family of LOST addicts, dude.

Dana Zee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BubbaCoop said...

Are these soft rock hits all about time-travel?

Cassiopeia Rises said...

Jorge, I have written a Haiku about you and fellow travelers in time.

"journey to paradise....love divine...lingers but a brief time"

This is a American contemporary Haiku.
Love your blog and updates from the island
We as a family and invited friends always watch the show. Best show on TV.
Say hi to Sayid, Ben and Jack for me.


kles for me. You guys make my week.

Renatabranco said...

r u @ twitter? =)

The Ferber Family said...

hahaha! LOVE THIS :o)

Trisha said...

I can't wait to get this album.

~Brandy~ said...

Love the pictures! Gotta say I adore your character on Lost but now having read your blog for a week I have to say you are hilarious. Keep it up!

edina said...

Love the album cover! Also thought you were great on The Bonnie Hunt Show yesterday - those Halloween costumes were inspiring!

Kristianna said...

Your characters are GREAT together. There is a wonderful chemistry.

You could call your backup band The Afterlife. :D

David Cebe said...

You're great Jorge! Please come back to Spain always you want! I enjoyed your interaction with Ken! Bye bye!

Ty said...


*~Dani~* said...

Huh. Crazy. I never would have suspected the plants were potted. Interesting tidbit.

Arifa said...

I love Ken.

you are great Jorge!!!

Vee said...

you guys are quite the dynamic duo!

Nerdmom said...

I think the first photo would make a great album cover, m'self.

Unknown said...

I have to tell you- Hurley's lines about writing Empire Strikes Back have to be about the funniest thing ever- who wouldn't want to get rid of the Ewoks!
Don't you love Hurley's personality?!

goldberry said...

Great pictures...we can see the soft rock love in your eyes! The two of you together this season has been GOLD ponyboy.

I haven't been able to listen to Jay and Jack for 2 weeks, and I'm dying to know if your favorite line was in the "some like it hoth" episode. Was it "dude, your dad's a douche." If so, double points for the dude count! If not, hope it was ewok related!

corrwill said...

I think "Lost" should release a best of the 70's album with you guys on the cover...oh hey let's put all the Losties in Dharma gear on there. Too fun. Keep up the great work...Can't wait for more.

Tv Addict said...

Hilarious 'album cover' such a great pic!

Miztification said...

Those are nice. I really enjoyed last week's episode too.

Paul Spooner said...

Waht do you mean there in pots...are you saying its not real or something...

Pam said...

How fun! I loved that episode. Your character's storyline with the Empire script was hilarious.

Love seeing these "behind the scenes" shots.

Please Type Legibly said...

Wait....did you just say most of the plants on Lost island are pot? I kid.....but I do think the album ought to include Dominic Monaghan's rendition of "Lost on an Island....Far From Home" that he did for Jimmy Kimmel - that was hysterical.

The Engineering Bureau said...

I remember when Magnum was in production that sometimes the Ferrari(s) and other show vehicles were out being driven by crew members for more than just transporting them from one location to another. Are you guys out cruising those VW vans sometimes?

maven said...

Thanks for sharing, Jorge! You and Ken make such a great "couple"! LOL Can't wait for the album.

ValMo said...

Could Shambala be one of your covers? Or Sweet Child of Mine?

efecan said...

Dude you two were great. And I think Ken in the wrong tv show, he got a power actually for Heroes :)

JaniDoe said...

You're so cool Jorge :)

thoughts and ramblings said...

they're in pots??? I didn't know. how interesting.

I really loved the last epi too.


can't wait to see tonight's episode.


llquadro said...

Jorge!!!!! LOVE these pictures! You and Ken made the last episode SO AMAZING for me! Thanks for all your great work, the humor you bring to the show, and this great blog!!!!

Stephany Benbow said...

I love the album cover, it needs an awesome title. Like... Island Afternoons.

Rumbero said...

Espero que vuelvas a España y que todo vaya mejor, aunque espero que repitas lo de la traductora!! Esa voz de la nada!! Fue lo mejor de la entrevista!

Georgina said...

okay, now thats funny stuff

Marti said...

Oh! Yea, totally! Lost should have a musical episode! like Buffy and Scrubs! Sweeeeeeet

Great White Handkerchief said...

Oh my god you guys are awesome.

Deborah Godin said...

Lovin' it - you two guys could have your own Lost spin-off...

Das Mutter said...

I have to say the last episode with the van ride had both my husband and I rolling. It was easily one of the best scenes written in the history of the show--in my humble opinion.

Unknown said...

Hola Jorge!! , nada tú sigue escribiendo en inglés, y yo te comentaré en español, a ver al final que entiendo yo, y que lees tú. Te vi en "El hormiguero", no me enteré ni yo de lo que hacían, flojos...estuvieron flojos..hablamos (see you later..se dice así??)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Love it. I would totally watch the Hurley & Miles show.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

hahaa... when are you going to release your soft rock album in spain? xD

mmm hey, i enjoyed a lot "el hormiguero" with you... i'll keep an eye in your blog, cause I didn't know you had one.


Jules said...

Dude! You've lost some serious weight! Congrats! Now if only I can get on the ball and do the same.

LaFreak said...

Duuuude, I´m sorry about that interview in spanish television (with Pablo Motos). He is nothing but a redneck with a super-ego thing.

People is raging, we feel ashamed.
I hope you read this.


PD: se me olvidaba que hablas español ^_^
Lo dicho, el entrevistador es un idiota que no caía muy bien por aquí, y después de tu entrevista menos.

Emily said...

Ha...those pictures are great. There were some great one liners in last week's episode.

So sad there is no new episode tonight.


mdm said...

Best. Album Cover. Ever.

Shannon said...

I love it!

Rayburn Family said...

Are there actually not enough plants in the natural Hawaiian jungle? ;-) LOVED you two in the last episode. It was great.

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

hahaha! You guys are so bad ass. :)

redelf said...

I am sooo buying that album and I am getting the poster and putting it on my wall and write your names on my notebook

Kristen said...

LOL Awesome.

Meribeth said...

That really would make a great island cover. Do you guys have a name for your band? ;)

Meribeth said...

Uh, whoops...typed too fast. Obviously that should read "album" cover, not "island." LOL.

APE. said...

Does Noe'au put those plants up?? hope you are enjoying your time off..can't wait for more Miles & Me moments...hahaha

Sassy Blondie said...

Love it! Also, saw you on Bonnie Hunt!

yojeezy said...

I was thinking the pix look more like a "Faith + 1" album cover, all very meditative but masculine . . . Those guys rule!

Auntie Depressant said...

Lol! BFFs forever- just wondering if we should ship you guys as Murley or Hiles? I love watching you on LOST. Rock on DUDE!

Cinenell said...

Como hablas un poco de español te digo jajajaj...
Que orgullo que seas de mi pais Chile aunque sea de origen.
Gracias por participar en el show, es impresionante y cada dia se pone mejor.
Saludos desde Chile.

Whit said...

Do you guys do any Air Supply? Also, are 8-tracks available?

VIVEROS said...

Ken is not my favourite character but you guys make a very good team together.

Unknown said...

.... there's a giggle in there somewhere about Barbie ;p

Happy Go Lucky said...

OMG, those pictures are super cute. You guys are my favorite!!!

James Hernandez said...


What's the title of your alblum? Suggestion: Miles to go before I sleep!

Roberta said...

Great eppy Jorge!


OMG there are two Miles on the island now!!!

whiterabbita said...

I have the feeling that "you" and "Miles" will go to a "Geronimo Jackson" concert real soon!

moon said...

Another band name:

Dead Man Talking

Leslie said...

You guys are beyond adorable. I really love when you guys interact on the show.

Carolate said...

I luv your new partner, but for all is good and pretty in the world... Don't be to close to him 'cause I can't another death...


JennY. said...

The top pic with the Dharma bus could be the album's inside jacket cover. Both shots are fantastic. One looks uber cool and mysterious with a hotrod car. The other is warm and friendly... "Come sing with us!"
The majority herein speak wisely - the chemistry between Hurely and Miles brings another much needed relationship layer to the show. I think we all wanted to see Hurley find a new Charlie - not that Charlie is replaceable! He isnt'!!
p.s. sorry to digress a bit, but.. what the heck is going on now with Des?? He used to be the only one on the island -- (besides Ben and others) and now he's the only one NOT on the island...!!

Jodi said...

Loved how you & Ken interacted in your scenes. I still miss you & Dom though!

Love the pics!

elaine said...

My friend loved this episode so much she wouldn't watch her first born child take her first steps. She said she was too into the "Hurley-Miles Dynamic" and that Vivian "is going to walk sooner or later"...lol.

Maya99 said...

What with "Lost's" current 70's setting might I suggest an album of Seals & Crofts covers? Little "Summer Breeze" perhaps? "Castles in the Sand"? Or "We May Never Pass This Way Again"?

neal73 said...

I can see the pair of you doing an album of Carpenters covers......

Jess K said...

Seriously....I don't care what kind of day I'm having...It's posts of yours like this that completely crack me up. Funny stuff.

Annaca said...

Can't wait to buy your album :-]

BostonDan said...

I'm not sure if you've seen these yet, but someone on Flickr posted some old Dharma ads. Enjoy!


Goof said...

I love the "Album cover" picture. Its a great photo of both of you. And your scenes with him are awesome.

Snowbound said...


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