A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Monday, December 8, 2008

For Safe Travels

I recommend packing your valuables in foam.
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!!!


Petra said...

Packing your valuables! ROFLOL. I can always count on your blog for a giggle, Jorge!

: ) P

Bethany James Leigh Shady said...

right when i got the email i knew you were gonna post this on here.

Honeybell said...

Oh holy hell, that is the best EVER.

SnapandPrint said...

This made my day!

Shadow Thompson said...


Carefull dude, your gonna get stampeded by hot sexy women running to jump in the tub with you... I will try to hold myself back, so I instead of leading the pack, I will be coming in a close second. LMOA........


New Yorker wannabes said...


thanks fo being creative and funny. I can only imagine what you will do for New Years!!


Mama said...

LOL I have an identical photo from my honeymoon, doing the same damn thing :)

Lisa-Maladylis said...

cute, very cute ! that's some huge beard you got going there ! It must be Santa !! looks like fun.

lostinphilly said...

Your photos always brighten my day! Cannot wait to see more holidays photos. Take care.

Julie Phillips said...

You look like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman........LOL Happy Holidays....


Movie Star Wife said...

There's nothing like a good bubble bath.
Ho Ho Ho!

Julie said...


whiterabbita said...

haha! Fantastic! Is that soap or the Santa Claus' beard?

Julie said...

Lol, That is wicked awesome!

Big bubble baths are the best. :)

Jodi said...

How adorable! Very true indeed..Hehehe

Tasha Who? said...


Care to share what kind of bubble bath you use? I've never got that much out of anything except dish soap, back when I was a tike!

Please Type Legibly said...

Cute...thanks for the smile.

Sugarplum's Mom said...

I can never manage to get that many bubbles in my tub... you must have some super secret extra bubbly bubble stuff.

Stacy Disarrayed said...


Ok...this might be nerdy but...

I've given you The Butterfly Award on my blog...

redelf said...

Bath tub photos make the best Christmas cards!!

Merry Christmas!!!

Rachel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rachel said...

Jajaja... Very funny Mr Claus, you really know what is a good bath.

Kiss from Spain.

john (not lennon) said...


Venus said...

YES! Santa is coming!!!

James Hernandez said...


And me with only a shower! :-(

Gwen said...

That looks like my front yard!

Laura said...

That looks so comfy

Rosemary Bats said...

Hey, what do you think about the fact that Libby's story will never be told, and that she won't be back on the show anymore? I know you wanted her to come back as much as I did. D: I've never been so disappointed...

Dolphin Boy said...

Dude, you've LOST it!

Ramon Mineiro said...

Dear Santa,

I've been a good boy for this hole year, so I think I deserve a realy nice present dont'I?

See ya JORGE!

Miztification said...


You are something else. :D

Merry Christmas to you too!

Rosemary Bats, are you serious? Well that's depressing. Guess I'll have to resort to fanfics to get satisfaction in that arena. :(

Chas said...

HO! HO! HO! I say you use it on your Christmas cards!

irksome1 said...

Is it disturbing if I find this photograph vaguely erotic?

Topanga said...

Bubble wrap.

Robbi said...

That would make for a Great Christmas Card!!!

Gotta Love your sense of humor!!!

Love it!!!

Harold Zach Goldford said...

I wish i was in Hawaii right now! It feels like going to a war trying to study for my finals with limited time available =(

Jay said...

LOL! Oh, Jorge, send my congrats to Josh Holloway and his wife!

Anonymous said...

Now I know what I want for CHRISTmas, a bath tub that big! It stinks being 5'10 and hitting my feet on the faucet!

Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

That is just completely hysterical. Would be a perfect photo for a Christmas card!

Enoch Photography said...

Awesome image Jorge... ROFLOL! Packing your valuables... seriously... I'd need more foam... OOOOOooooooo... jk. //e

LostFan said...

That's an image I never want to see again.

Unknown said...

Now where oh where could one find a larger version of this image to print and frame? WOOF!

Anonymous said...



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