Monday, September 29, 2008

Capilano Suspension Bridge

The good news is you get a discount on the ticket price if it's raining. 
And you get a free disposable parka.
The bad news is it's rainy. 

Kind of a bummer you're not aloud to throw anything down. Because I happened to bring one of those little plastic parachute guys. (Would've been sweet.) He never saw flight. I even chickened out throwing him off the balcony of the hotel. 
And here's the hotel. Kinda rustic.

Like I'd really put my hand so close to a giant owl's beak. If I saw an owl that big I'd probably pee. Then run.
Here I am visiting the Ewok village of Endor.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


First thing we did upon arriving in Vancouver was go to Granville Island. 
Stopped at the big farmer's market they have there and bought some produce for the room, like knobby little carrots. 
No parking is enforced by ninja.
There was an awesome sushi place about a block from the hotel. We ate there about five times.
Beth has an aversion to cilantro and coriander so that pretty much kills Indian food for her and pretty much us. (Except for Gulab Jamun) But there is still takeout. Here I'm having tandoori trout.
By the way when you finish with your fish remember to flush it down the appropriate drain.


I know I'm supposed to be writing about Vancouver now but I just had to make a short report on the Emmys.

It was a fun night. Gervais stole the show. And I got to run into an old friend.
Did I ever tell you that John Krasinski and I both did our first pilot together? It ended up being called "The Originals" and it was for UPN (back when they existed). We had a nice little moment of "can you believe our lives?!"  

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ireland's Last Leg

So from Clifden back to Dublin. We looked at the map and pointed at what looked like the halfway point. That was a town called Athlone. Not much info about Athlone, we were on our own looking for a place to grab a bite. We stopped here. But it was a big mistake. We walked in and they informed us that they were currently out of Guinness because their delivery didn't come in. Okay maybe that was a red flag. (Or a red car, they seemed really popular in this parking lot.) Beth made the biggest mistake by ordering the chicken curry. I tried to warn her. 

When we finally got to Dublin we were exhausted. Look at the map. 
We did this all in one week. We should have done half. We ended up just staying in the hotel the rest of day. The next day we flew home.  Whew! So that was my Irish trip. Next up Vancouver...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ireland: Quay House

Pronounced "Key Haus" this place was a charming little B&B in Clifden. The owners were super friendly. But be warned, we nicknamed this place the "museum of death" because it is chock full of exotic hunting trophies. Way too many in my opinion. I mean sometimes you see one or two but this was insane. If dead animals bum you out, avoid this place.
And then there's the fish...
This one lost it's protective case.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

More Ireland:random pics II

Not only is it scary to drive in Ireland. Apparently it's also scary to walk. I think I shot this at the Cliffs of Moher.
Hey Chef! Sorry 'bout the thumb.

This toilet is a free for all! I walked into it and locked the door behind me because who knows who would walk in. I noticed a piece of string with handle on the end of it. Kind of like those plastic pieces you hold onto at the end of a kite. Not knowing what it does, and being the curious mind that I am, I pulled it. Apparently it's an alarm for someone should they "fall and can't get up." So naturally I bolted to the car and took off.

It took us forever to find this Dolmen. We were trying to find it as we drove through the Burren. Thought we had passed it somehow. Turned around. Asked a random guy. He said we were on the wrong road. Turned around again. Gave up and continued on our way. Presto the Dolmem shows up a few hundred feet later. This is me say "There it is! Found it!"

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Dromoland II or I guess it's III

We loved this place so much and it was such a step up from some of the other places we stayed at, we didn't want to leave. 
We had room service. Now remember when I found that nipple on the piece of pork belly? (Check out the March 2008 blog "Mystery Revealed") now that's understandable. 

But a nipple on a poached egg?

We also got massages at the spa. But first I took a bath.

My new toy

Ooo! I can't wait till morning. 
Gonna make me my citrus punch*. 
My new juicer just came in this afternoon. 
I'm just so thirsty...

*citrus punch - The juice of a grapefruit and two oranges. 

Friday, September 12, 2008


Hey since now that I've got to the part about the castle you might want to re-visit the first mention. I tried posting the link but it didn't work. So you'll have to dig into the June archive for it. It's called "Dromoland." 

Then we stayed in a CASTLE

The trip's other big turn-around (aside from replacing the flat tyre) was the night and day we spent at Dromoland Castle. 
The place was pretty sweet. 
The first thing we did? Have tea.
Lots of hunting trophy's (heads) all over the place. 
Though nothing like the museum of death we stayed at later (another blog).
Man these pots are huge!