For example not having air conditioning in the office. Which brings me to the shuttle. It's out of focus but, check out the seat on the right.

Now this is just one of many seats on this bus that had a ring of sweat (We're going with sweat. Please say "it's sweat." I mean even if it isn't sweat, say "it's sweat" because I can't imagine how I would handle anything grosser than a sweat stain on a seat.) I blame the (no) air-conditioning.
And I went with my parents to Little Saigon and was browsing the aisles. Um, is this candy?

that's a whole lotta sweat, I mean we're talking amazonian type sweat
ReplyDeleteTuna fish, how could you not like it?! :D
Jorge, it is sweat, don't worry...just sweat. It is just that hot in there.
ReplyDeleteThat candy...gross!
I feel sorry for the seat... And that candy, eww. How stupid do you have to be to make candy with tuna fich taste!? :O I wonder who buys that.
ReplyDeleteI suppose it'd be similar to crab candy, only less crabby, more fishy.
ReplyDeleteFirst EEWWWW!!!!
ReplyDeleteSecond EEEWWWW!!!!
I like Tuna fish...just not sure I want it in a candy...
ReplyDeleteAs to the stain...well, I don't think it's sweat, but more likely a soda spill...yeah, that's it....soda...sure!
Um, that is totally NOT SWEAT. Maybe it's the result of someone who has eaten the fish candy?
ReplyDeleteIt could be from a roof leak, right? A very, very unfortunate roof leak...
ReplyDeleteWee wee. Not sweat.
ReplyDeleteOnce I was flying home from Florida and my seat was soaking wet when I got on the plane. Standing in the aisle blocking traffic, unwilling and unable to sit down, I turn to the flight attendant and asked her WTH was I suppose to do on the 4 hour flight between Orlando and Halifax. Just sit there in somebody else's puddle, getting my arse wet? She assured me it was "just water" (yea... right.. because I'm "just stupid" enough to believe that), took the seat cover off leaving the saturated foam rubber behind (How is a seat cushion suppose to serve as a flotation device if it can hold so much liquid?). Then she piled on heaps of airline blankets to provide a buffer zone. It did work pretty well but by the end of the trip, when I finally stood up to disembark, I did feel that a bit of dampness had indeed managed to seep it's way through to my very own butt-cheeks. I was not a happy camper but I was so relieved to get off the damn plane I didn't stop to complain.
You've been busy! Good luck with the move and starting back to work... and heartiest of congratulations on the ALMA.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I think the Emmy nomination process should be overhauled. How it was that you were not considered for "The Beginning of the End" I will never understand! Maybe because Hurley is often the comic relief, people don't see you as the fine dramatic actor you are.
Anyway, ease into the re-entry into the reality of your job... and please share a non-spoiler tid-bit now and again?
: ) P
It's just sweat, really, just sweat didn't sit there did you?
ReplyDeleteit's not candy! :) it's like the tuna version of beef jerky - tuna jerky? they just like to wrap it in shiny wrappers and put them in a plastic tub.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's like Swedish Fish?
ReplyDeleteare you sure its not your own sweat ??
ReplyDeletejaja, just kidding Jorge, and good luck on Season 5, i´ll be waiting for this new season, i believe had to be spectacular... regards!!
from mexico
Rain forest sweat!! That tuna candy is just freaky! Anyway, glad to see you're back.
ReplyDeleteMmmm, the sweet flavor of tuna!
ReplyDeleteLast time I was in Thailand, I saw these cuttlefish on a stick that were covered in a variety of sugary substances and sold as sweet snacks in a classy little department store. Some were just sugar-coated. Some had honey and nuts, and others were dipped in chocolate. Yep. Little squids on a stick, dipped in chocolate. Mmmmm, now that's fish-a-licious!
you failed to mention the fact that the car sounded like the entire bottom of it was going to drop out every time we rolled over a pebble.
ReplyDeleteI am really hoping that is sweat. the alternatives are just...eeeesh. I have noticed when I go to stores with alot of Asian items, that there are a great deal of those items in shiny wrapping. I usually just look at the pictures and try and decipher what the hell is under all that wrapping. I am scared to death of anything with pictures of fish. My friend eats these freeze dried little fishy things that look like guppies. *blech* She tried to get me to try them. No way, no how, no where. ever.
ReplyDeleteYay! So glad you are back, although I am sure with being back to work it will be harder to keep up. Still glad to hear from you.
ReplyDeleteIt's like fish biscuits but not.
ReplyDeleteThat is the mother of all "sweat" marks.
It's like which is the lesser of two evils? If it IS sweat then it's butt sweat - and copious amounts of it. Hmm butt sweat versus mystery fluid (potentially bodily) - equally gross... seems like a moot point to me!
ReplyDeleteSweat it is! A few years back a cologne company was marketing sweat based cologne. I don't know if they could have handled this much sweat though.
Oh my god..
ReplyDeleteIs this really my hero Jorge's blog?? I can't believe this.
First of all, I really liked your act and your character on LOST.
When I was working in Korea, CTO of one of my company looked similar to you. I really liked him, and like you too.
Regarding that seat, I think it is 'sea water' stain. I believe 'Charlie' was there, waiting for you. :)
Anyway, as one of your big fan, I wish all the best lucks to you. Not by numbers 4 8 15 16 23 42, but by god's bless.
From one Korean in Japan.
TUNA candy? Ewwwwwww!
ReplyDeleteNot touching the sweat thing with a ten foot pole.....LOL
Eeew. To both photos. Sometimes the extra cash is just worth it.
ReplyDeleteew, Ew, EW!
ReplyDeleteWhy does that seat remind me of Monica Lewinsky?
it reminds me of the shuttle I had to take at LAX! I really do hope that was sweat!! Nasty either way though
ReplyDeleteWho doesn't like their candy to taste like tuna? That is the only kind I eat :-D
Oh dang, didn't you have Tuna Fish candy growing up? I love to eat it with candy pickles.
ReplyDelete*gags* :P
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