The last time I was in Waikiki, waiting for my car to be brought out by the valet, a passenger van pulled into the driveway and stopped just ahead of two parked cars.
Immediately my car came out from the garage, and when I got into it, I noticed that I couldn't get around this van to exit the driveway.

I wasn't the only one to notice either. Two employees in front of the van as well as members of the driver's family informed him that I was stuck behind him and asked him to move his van forward to one of these two spots.

So what did the guy do?...
He told his family to get out and grab there stuff out of the back. And left his van unattended until a valet came to move it out of the way.

Now where is the "aloha" in that? All the more reason why I tend to avoid Waikiki as a rule.
See, now I don't get that. I guess I am the kind of person who goes out of MY way to make sure that no one else has to go out of their way. What king died and made that guy the crown prince of royal pitsniffers?
You're well traveled, Jorge, and I for one, am happy that your mother cares enough to want to know where you've been - and that you care enough to show her - because I get a giggle pretty much every time I visit your blog!
: ) P
I don't know if you ever played the original Grand Theft Auto but that looks a lot like it from the pic.
Avinash's tip of the day:
You should have sprayed them with a machine gun.
Jorge tenias que haber llamado al montruo como hizo Ben en la serie para que te hayudase brother jjajaja un abrazo desde Madrid
Jorge, you should have done the Lost opening caption, yours would be better than J.J.'s :)
In fact, if you ever get the opportunity you could present it to us here on your blog :)
...j (",)
See, and that is why bazooka's aren't put onto cars. Cause I woulda had to flip a switch and "move" him out of the way. :)
I love your drawings of the whole scenario.
I like your car, Jorge. Blue's a great colour. ;-)
The illustrations really make the whole story. And cheers to Moms!
You went all the way to Waikiki to experience LA traffic? LOL
i was actually pretty shocked at how pissed you got at this since you're almost always super patient and laid back and i'm the impatient one.
but you must have been REALLY pissed since you took the time to write a blog about it.
i can't help but wonder if this had happened on the windward side if you would have had had the same reaction.
I just found your blog, which makes me incredibly happy because you are awesome.
Also, you draw like me. Except you can probably draw stick figures better than me...(yes, I have that little of talent...)
so you know what's good in waikiki?
oh, and the food at top of waikiki. even though it's tourity the chef is this amazing guy from the south. has chicken cordon bleu with buffalo wing sauce and also shrimp and grits.
and that's about it.
Must not have been a local. But then again that is Waikiki for ya.
This is grounds for a lawsuit!! Your quantum of damages is the amount of gas you wasted while you were idling. I say sue everybody the guy who was blocking you, the hotel/restaurant for not providing adequate passage. That's the American Way. Thank God I'm Canadian.
hola que tal saludos desde (concepcion -chile) tierra de tu padre. si es que entiendes mi espaƱol adios y saludos y que te vaya bien
Well, I think it is evidently that you were doing something wrong. According to your drawing the other car is much bigger then yours. There. Bigger cars come with the right of way did nobody tell you that? That is what I have experienced here in Mississippi it always works like that. Be careful bigger cars are also made to include the rights of not using their indicator but suddenly pull over or back out without checking what is going on behind them (that is usually where I am at, jumping away in the parking lot to avoid being run over).
There used to be a band in Nashville back in the 80s called Royal Court of China. One of their songs was about Waikiki and the chorus went, "I'm trapped in Waikiki and I'm really goin' nuts." After visiting there last Christmas (and losing my favorite windbreaker - argh!), I understand why.
Id take yuor advice :)
That has to be at the Outrigger Waikiki. At Dukes? Or Hula Grill?
And that my friend, is why I avoid it at alllll cost. Lived here three years, and I can honestly say I have been to Waikiki like 5 times.
You should of told the jerk that you were "one of the Oceanic 6" and to move his bloom'n a@@.
Pen2 - that's great!
Who was that guy? Next time get out and introduce yourself ;)
I feel the release of some of the hostility and tension that this scene caused in your crosshatching. Crosshatching is very therapeutic. Embrace the crosshatching! :)
Okay Jorge (and girlfriend) here goes....
I would have liked to have sent you some kind of private message to tell you this... but maybe this is part of my penance or something. I am actually just glad you have this blog so I can apologize and clear my conscience.
This last Sunday morning I was eating breakfast at a certain breakfast spot on the Windward side, and as you know, so were you. (I'll keep the place anonymous so if you want to, you can go there again)... anyways, my back was only separated from your back by the front window. My friend sitting across from me pointed out that you were right outside.
Well I gotta tell you Jorge until that moment I can't say that I had been really "star struck". (Okay let's not count the time I saw Luke Perry driving on the 101 in LA and I begged my mom to speed up so I could wave to him... I was 13 for God's sake!) Anyways, I grew up in Southern Cali, worked at the Ritz-Carlton here in Maui and Roy's too... I have seen, been around, and even served actors before! However, I must admit I got really stoked that you were just outside the window on that sunday morning.
So.... here comes the apology part: My group just finished our meal and we when my husband went up to the counter to pay, they informed him that it was cash only. So, I said I would walk to the bowling alley across the street and hit up the ATM. Well I did just that... and then I did something I have made fun of other people for doing! I walked to our car in the parking lot across the street from where you and your girlfriend were sitting and instead of just getting my phone, which was my intent.... I saw my camera laying on the seat and against my better judgement I pulled a paparazzi and zoomed in from across the street to you... just sitting there peacefully probably deciding what to order. I don't know if you even noticed. But when my husband and I got back to Maui from our long weekend in Oahu I downloaded my pics to my mac and it turns out your lovely GF is looking right at my guilty lens! I don't know what came over me, I have never done that before! I wouldn't have walked right up to you and ask for a pic with you either, cuz that could have drawn attention to you, and there goes your chance to enjoy your mac nut pancakes or loco moco peacefully. Anyways, your GF is looking right at my cam, so you probably found out anyway. I hope you enjoyed your meal.
Tonight I googled your name and found this blog and felt the need to apologize. I watch LOST and I always thought that you would be the kind of person that I'd get along with, you know a REAL person, not a fake celebrity. If I ever see you again on Oahu I'll be sure to come up to you, if the time is appropriate, and say "Hello, Im the chick that wrote you that novel of an apology." And if your ever in Maui and you need directions, a restaurant suggestion or a hidden local beach to hide at, let me know.
Sorry again,
One of my professors told me once that you have to remember, People fucking suck. Once of realize that life isnt so bad.
Pictures!!! Man I needed you for that traffic accident I had!
wow. I feel guilty :P
I agree, there are so many better places on Oahu than Waikiki.
A small shareware developer under the name Alpha Omega Software has recently announced the availability of a beta of their title RC helicopter Simulator. Touted as the first RC helicopters simulator of its kind for the Mac, this game, as its title suggests, simulates the behavior and control of radio-controlled helicopters.
Pixel Radio Controlled helicopter’s latest addition to the brood is the amazingly tiny Pixel to. 6 years of technology advancement and experience made it possible to reduce the weight of the previous model almost 20 times. Creating the helicopter was a delicate task, made a lot easier with the availability of micro motors and new battery technology. The mini helicopter weighs a mere 6.9grams. Go to their site for more photos of the micro helicopter and its pseudo mascot hamster. The animation is very good, about even with the PlayStation 2 R&C games, and the story is endearingly silly. Has a Unique Focusable Lens with Narrow/Wide Beam Lens Design
Micro Flashled flashlight has a unique Focusable Lens with a narrow- and wide-beam lens design that allows continuous varying of the led light beam width from, for example, a concentrated tiny book size at 10 feet from a wall to lighting the whole wall, floor to ceiling.
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