A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Paris on a whim

The great thing about being in London is that you can decide to go to Paris from one day to the next. Which is what we did. All you do is hop on the train. Do a little magic trick (like turning a sausage into a potato). And PRESTO! the train's under water. And soon enough you're in Paris.


Looby_Loo said...

I love Paris almost as much as I love London!

What's even better about the eurostar is you can go straight from the middle of London to straight outside the gates of Disneyland. It's so great.

the girl with pointy sticks said...

But did ya turn the spud back into a link? Details man, details!

Hmmmm if I were to go on a day trip, I think the most glamorous spot I could get to today would be the Gulf Shores Mullet Tossing Festival.
Not quite Paris romantic, but an interesting time none the less.

Thanks for sharing your photos with us, thats real nice of ya.

Rachel Snyder said...

*sigh* It's been far, far too long since I've been able to travel overseas. But you were going to go to France anyway, weren't you? I mean, you also went to Monaco, across France from the UK (for those of you who think I might be dumb enough not to know Monaco is its own country ;)), and I read on Bethany's blog that that was planned in advance, so... At any rate, thanks for sharing your pics.

Gwen said...

I'm on to your little potato trick! You can't fool me!

Amy said...

I learn something new every day...
I've been to the "Gara de Nord" in Bucharest, but I had no idea "north station" is almost the same phrase in french (Gare du Norde). Sure they're both latin based languages, but speaking only english (station) & spanish (estaciĆ³n), somehow this Romanian/French similarity surprised me.
Glad you had such a great time! I enjoy reading your blog - thanks for allowing the public to read it.

DrDegroot said...


You are delightful!

John_Locke said...

i trust you are going to plant some trees to help offset your massive carbon footprint Jorge,
good luck

Luc Lewitanski said...

Hello from Paris!

Hope you enjoy it here =)

WatsonCrick said...

That is what I always loved about Europe, these countries are all so close by. Hopp on a train or plane and within a few hours you are in a complete different world (personalities, language, history, food etc).

TheUnity (Siv) said...

Haha, I love the face change. Your face goes all serious, IMAO :P

lyly ford said...

my country and i can't go to paris arg :'( i hope anyway one day i'll see you somewhere ^^
enjoy your day here :) i hope there is no rain it was the weather here since 2 days...

Unknown said...

So, unrelated to your post but related to you...


Someone thinks you look like the Muppet, Rowlf. There are certainly worse things to be compared to than a lovable dog. :o)

Anonymous said...

If only I could hop on a train and go to Paris from here! It is great that everything is so close together in Europe. I can only travel to Mexico so much haha

Rasmenia said...

Welcome to France!

Watch out for the doggie poo. :)

Bethany James Leigh Shady said...

see, if i were to write about the train my blog would be about the turds next to us who stole our seats! those beasts.

i remember when you turned that link into the potato and the guy across from us choked on his tea.

you're soooo magical.

redelf said...

OOoOoOOO!!!!!! Harry Potter magic!!!

Topanga said...

Very convenient. How long a train ride is it??

Unknown said...

Jorge, I know this is late, but here's the photoshop'd picture of you guys in Monaco. Go to www.flickr.com & view it in my photostream. Search for "doc waxman" under the "people" tab. (Nice having connections @ SRMHI). My little boys LOVE your blog! You keep us in stitches every week. DW

Matteo said...

how can u dress like this, wasn't hot on paris? :D

Miss Scarlett said...

Off Island magic!
The mystery deepens.

Jan said...

I think we've just been given the answer to the mystery of LOST. It all has to do with sausages, potatoes and Hurley. Hmmmmmm.

James Hernandez said...


You say Potato and I say Pomme de Terre! Glad three years of french weren't wasted! :)

islandgirl4ever2 said...

Looks like you had a great trip... Glad the weather was behaving this summer! Did you make it to Paris Plage? Take care.....

Marcio said...
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