At first I thought he was coming on to me. But then I saw a smaller, most likely female lizard staring back at him. I ran for my camera because I wanted to catch him flaunting his colors. When I came back I realized the girl lizard went up the tree to check the bigger lizard with even more neck skin. I tried to shoot him but he ran onto the roof. So I went back and took a picture of the poor dejected loser.
If only this was a high school movie little guy. Then you would have totally scored with her after she learned that it's not just about neck skin and pushups; but what's inside that counts.
I never caught one of them doing the neck thing. But I found this on the internet.

Jorge,I hope your fridge is now overflowing with mini-quiches.
ReplyDeleteIt don't matter how much neck skin a guy has,if he ain't got no quiche.
yeah, flashing neck skin never worked for me. neither did the push-ups.
ReplyDeleteYou are very lucky to be able to photograph it, it could have gone while you were getting your camera.
ReplyDeleteI think it enjoys your garden as much as you do! :)
İnanç Karagöz
Istanbul, Turkey
i didn't tell you this the other day because i thought you'd totally be mad, but while i was watering the plants on monday i saw that same lizard with the big neck skin flirting with me and, well, we totally made out.
ReplyDeletei couldn't help myself. sorry.
Cool, it's great to see you have passion for photography, and wildlife. The combination go together really well :)
ReplyDeleteLizards fascinate me aswell, especially those bright colours they comprise. Shame it scurried away..well here's a tip..keep the camera round your neck 24/7. You never know when it may pay you a visit again ;)
Neck skin, just not my bag.. :) Push ups however.. hmmmmm
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad human guys don't have neck skin that does that. Scrotums are bad enough. Am I allowed to say "scrotums" on the internet?
ReplyDeleteI sorry...I'm not a lizard person!
ReplyDeleteLizard romance: Boy meets girl, boy flashes neck skin at girl, girl throws boy over for bigger neck, rejected boy makes out with Jorge's girlfriend....drama, drama, drama! LOL
ReplyDeleteI might be quite weird for a girl here - but I love lizards, I think they are cute and always wanted one as a pet when I was a kid... but mum wouldnt let me, she panicked every time I begged, LOL.
ReplyDeleteWhat, dewlaps don't DEW it for you?? Ahahaha!! *big grin*
ReplyDeletecool. My youngest son Harrison has a thing for the reptiles and amphibians. He is always wanted to bring things home with him. After the last attempted frog break out I have finally said no more inmates.
ReplyDeleteGeez I thnik we would be OK in the lizard world. We totally have the necks for flaunting. Think there are any Pam Anderson like Lizards out there?
Urgh... I hate lizards, actually I think I´m scared of them. In my garden there´s a lot of "calangos" (Tropidurus itambere) and they look like dinossaurs! They are brown, graphitte... sometimes they look just like our stones. They suddenly appear when we´re alone, look in our eyes and... god!
ReplyDeleteThey learned this creepy look with Emerson.
I used to have chameleons when I was a kid and they did that neck thing all the time. ...Then one day while my brother and I were in school, my mom let the chameleons loose in the woods. ...During the winter. I highly doubt they survived for very long.
ReplyDeleteMy cat very quickly pointed out to me nearly two years ago that two gecko's had taken up residence on my balcony. They left in the winter and came back in the spring. I named then Guido and Luigi. But I haven't seen them since the workmen came and revamped the balcony. Ha! Workman!
ReplyDeleteHola Jorge!!! Que gusto estar aqui, pudiendo escribirte!!!
ReplyDeleteLei que comprendes español, asi que es un problema menos, ya que para leer us post, yo debo ir a un traductor on-line para sabe que escribes!
Mi nombre es Jesica, tengo 23 años y soy de ARgentina.
Tu personaje me ha gustado desde el primer momento, incluso pude ver el video donde audicionabas para Sawywer!
Te cuento que aqui, entre mis amigos, fuimos comprando DVDs con los capitulos de lost. Como somos todos jovenes y tenemos muchos gastos, creabamos cadenas para que uno compre una temporada, otro la segunda, luego la tercera... Encima vivimos en la costa, en un pueblo que solo toma forma en temporada de verano, luego no queda gente, los negocios cierran, y he tenido que viajar a capital (400 km) para poder conseguir las dos primeras temporadas.
Como es comun, tenemos gustos encontrados. A todas les gusta Jack, y a todos les gusta Kate; sin embargo a mi no me llegan, ya que son los convencionales papeles de heroina. En cambio, mi favorito sos vos y me encanta el vinculo que se crea con Charlie.
Mi capiulo preferido es "tricia Tanaka ha muerto", puedo verlo millones de veces siempre diviertiendome.
Es verdad que leias "Condorito"? Si es asi, entonces tendria que hacerte llegar nuestro comic "Paturuzu", "Isidoro", "Mafalda"!
Tambien son fans de la Tierra Media, sus personajes, sus lugares, sus idiomas! Si estuviese en tu lugar ya hubiese vuelto loco a Dominic Monahagan preguntandole que tal a sido encarnar un hobbit!
Te mando un abrazo muy fuerte, espero seguir leyendote aunque este obligada a prescindir de los traductores.
Una pregunta mas...
Paso por mexico varias veces y aunque tampoco sea de alla, le ha hecho mucho agrado.
Creo que es el mejor escritor en el historia...
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ReplyDeleteThe lizard you found is a brown anole (Anolis sagrei) from the Caribbean. Here in Hawaii, they're considered a non-native invasive species. The pushups, headbobing and throat-skin "dewlap" are part of the male's courtship display (to attract female mates) and to warn other males. The second photo you posted is a green anole (Anolis carolinensis) from the American southeast. It's also a non-native invasive species here, but quickly in decline since A. sagrei arrived. You can still find A. carolinensis on O'ahu on the Windward side and definitely on the neighbor islands.
UH ecologist