A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Frosty the Snow-Thug

So last night I started thinking about that Frosty the Snowman song.

What was with the broomstick? Now they often show him with a broom in his hand. But the song says broomstick. That makes think of Sonny Corleone walking around with that stick in his hand when he goes to kick the crap out the guy who hit his sister.
So now i get images of Frosty going around town knocking stuff around and breaking windows what not. Just wreaking havoc all over the neighborhood.

Frosty? Kind of a dick!


Please Type Legibly said...

OK, now you're hitting on two of my soft spots - Frosty and Sonny. We can't make this an "either/or" thing! LOL

Cute post. Way to get in the Christmas spirit. Hope there wasn't a single broomstick (or bee) in your stocking. Have a good one.

Hoku said...

OMG that was sooooo true! I was choking on my egg nog! If you look at many of the children's stories, they are quite creepy! Mele Kalikimaka

Bethany James Leigh Shady said...

one word. awesome.

Ungoddess said...

Oh my! o.O

elainemarieg said...

That is seriously funny! I don't know if I should be laughing so hard!!

Heather (a.k.a. Bella) said...

Wow. When you put it that way, Frosty seems like such a shady character -- no wonder the cartoons always creeped me out.

trixy460 said...

You have opened my eyes to the true meaning behind Frosty the Snowman!! Hilarious!

La Verdad en el Fútbol Argentino said...

Gordo, trabjas en lost, no puede ser que tengas menos comentarios que un blog que acaba dwe comenzar, hace algo!

PoNCh said...

You are THE man! You're good at everything!

K.N. Senko said...

i KNEW there was a reason that i hated Frosty as a kid. To be perfectly honest... i like him more now that i've seen your version of the cartoon than way back when.

My sister just told me about your blog this Christmas (in 2008)... i'm loving catching up. (:

KW said...

Did you draw these? i like your action shot with the cop's mouth. yer a good drawler


K.May said...

I just think your comic was awesome. God willing I ever get famous, I want to be a comic book artist, so thats just kinda cool that even big stars sit around and doodle. Completely unrelated, but what kind of Christmas food needs horseradish? And why is my captcha nomabli? WTF is that?