You may not see them in this picture but you can probably make out their glowing evil eyes.
Naturally I had an idea. So now everytime we go to Roy's we make a stop at the grocery store.

And give them food. And then they all come out of the woodwork. The cool thing is we saw they had plates of food and water so I'm glad I wasn't the first one to think of feeding these guys.

ReplyDeleteI have 3 cats - all of them adopted. I love my kids :)
After have seen so many cats on the streets, I started taking cat food with me, in my purse, wherever I go.
Nice job! :)
I officially love you now, Jorge.
ReplyDeleteI love animals more than I love most of my fellow humans -- so whenever I see kindness being extended toward them, it helps restore my faith in others. Thanks.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with your actions, Jorge. Cats are inherently evil.
ReplyDeleteIf you stare at one for more than 4 seconds in the eyes then it will maul you.
the h kai kats! i think they have mini bomber jackets somewhere. ..
ReplyDeletethanks for helping keep them alive!
Gosh, feral island kitties?! God bless you and the others for your sweet generosity with them. :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd wow, all those eyes!
Quite cool, I must say.
ReplyDeleteNice. Anyone who looks out for animals goes several rungs up the evolutionary scale in my books. Cute pictures, too.
ReplyDeleteOh, quick question, if you don't mind. What is a "Kiss and Ride?"
ReplyDeleteYou are a one in a million sweetheart.
Hola Jorge!!
ReplyDeleteEres una gran persona, muchos deberían de aprender de tu acción. En los jardines de mi barrio hay muchos gatos y gente como tu se dedica a alimentarles, detalles tan pequeños hacen que este mundo se convierta en un mundo mejor.
Un abrazo desde España
Do you know the song "Kiss and Ride" by Bratmobile?
ReplyDeleteThe photos in the grocery store were like Steven Wright humor- great great stuff.
Jorge, I didn't know you were a cat person! I'm so happy to find out you cared about these cats and went out of your way to feed them. Hopefully, someone is trying to catch them and neuter them, too!
ReplyDeleteSo you even love cats? Now I love you even more!!! :)
ReplyDeleteAwwwwww! Bless you for being kind to animals! All of our cats were adopted as adults and I'm aware that there are people who care for feral cat populations. Thanks for feeding the kittycats!
ReplyDeleteawwww...cute kitties! Thanks for taking the time to feed them, and like you, I'm glad you're not the first to think of it. It's nice to see someone's generosity extend to animals. My two cats are rescues and I definitely am the lucky one for having found them.
ReplyDeleteThat's great Jorge!!! I found some time ago a cute little puppy walking in the street at night. I took it to my house, gave him water, even bought some food for him (that he didn't like by the way) then my friend and I looked up and down for his owner, all over my neighborhood and the puppy went with us, of course. Then another dog came by, and he ran off with him... after 1 1/2 hour walk.. we couldn't find him ever!!! hahaha!
ReplyDeleteHow kind and thoughtful of you Jorge!
ReplyDeleteHey jorge, que grande eres tio, perdidos no seria lo mismo sin ti jeje, espero verte en la cuarta temporada, un saludo desde españa.
ReplyDeleteJorge eres lo maximo!! me encanta tu trabajo, el personaje es genial y muy dulce.
Saludos desde PERU!!!
Hi Jorge :)
ReplyDeletefirts lemme say that i believe Hurley is the soul of Lost! If Hurley ever dies, i'll stop watching!! .... maybe :D
second: you ROCK!!!!!
i have 4 kits (kids/cats) all adopted and nurtured to health :)
you have a big heart!
Luv ya even more now :-*****
Wow, that was awfully generous of you. When I see the people in my community just sit and mope while there is so much wrong in the world but then I see people like you make it better and it just warms my heart.
ReplyDeleteWow, that sounded gay.
ADORO LOSTTTTTTTTTTTT, es lo máximo que han podido crear, quisiera vivir toda mi vida viendo nuevos episodios, ojalá fuera infinita hehehe.
ReplyDeleteKisses Jorge!...
Awww...too sweet. Taking care of feral kitties is a very good thing.
ReplyDeleteYummy! Roy's I mean!
ReplyDeleteThanks for feeding our cats. I have 3 fantastic cats, one found on Sheridan st. when it was a few days old (by sam's club), and 2 from the hawaiian humane society. For those who asked, yes we have trap and spay/neuter/release here on Oahu. The people who feed the feral cats get traps from the humane society and bring the caught kitties there for the operation. Then they are released back where they were trapped. Some people complain about the feedings, but those cats keep our rat and mouse populations under control!
Thanks again Jorge, you just showed again that you have a heart of gold!
aw, that is too sweet. I am a softie for animals
ReplyDeleteWhat is a "Kiss and ride" by the way?
You brightened my day! Thanks Jorge!
ReplyDeleteYou are a very very very special person...god bless you...
ReplyDeleteQué bonico, dándole de comer a los gatitos =3 Muy bien hecho, man. ¡Ya hablamos, cuídate!
ReplyDeletehi man!!! from chileee!!
ReplyDeletesaludos se que hay sangre chilena en ud...y excelente trabajo en los y tu blog esta notable...cuidese y seria un honor tener un post tuyo en mi blog
adios...a ver si algun dia compartimos unas empanadas o una cazuela ...u know !!!
We love that you're feeding those stray/feral kitties.
ReplyDeleteBe careful, though. Soon enough, you're gonna wind up adopting two or three of them. :)
me parece fantastico que todavia quede gente que se preocupa por los animales.aqui en españa no es asi,me acaban de llegar noticias de que cierran una perrera...me parece increible....
ReplyDeleteSince I'm a big lady...I have to comment on the Roy's first...
ReplyDeleteWe have one here in Palm Springs.
as for the cats...
I love me some strays. I let a couple neighborhood ones into my house.
Is that weird?
Very sweet of you, but man, cats are creepy...
ReplyDeleteI wonder where they found the cat that appeared in "Enter 77." Maybe these cats are LOST actor cats waiting for the writers' strike to end.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLooks like a horror film!
ReplyDeleteLike The Birds but with cats.
The grocery store photos are the best photos on your site yet. It's like Steven Wright humor.
ReplyDeleteI love your generous heart! <3
ReplyDeleteMi inglés es pésimo pero entiendo que compraste comida para los gatos abandonados. Una buena acción, eso habla muy bien de ti.
ReplyDeleteSaludos! ;)
ReplyDeleteNot only are you one of the best characters on the Best Show Ever, you are also a decent human to boot. I love cats, and I wish more people were as thoughtful about taking care of them. I applaud you, sir!
acaso queres ser el hombre más adorable del mundo?? *aunque pensandolo bien, la sensibilidad resulta con las chicas*
ReplyDeleteDespues de ver este post me doy cuenta q eres mucho pero mucho más "hombre", que cualquier otro que dice serlo, al hacer esto por los animales. Yo personalmente los amo, y te ganaste un pedacito de mi corazón. besos desde argentina!!
I don't know in which language I have to speak but I know what to say :).
ReplyDeleteYou have an enormous heart, it's a nice action what you do with these cats. It's really appreciate and lovely because not all the people love and respect animals.
Actions like this show that you're a nice guy ;).
A hug from Spain :).
We used to go chase the feral cats all the time growing up on de island. Maybe this is why cats dont like me.
ReplyDeletestupid karma. or should i say kat-ma????? its a conspiracy.
i got nothing. good for you guys..good karma will follow you everywhere. (along with those cats...)
hi from brazil!
ReplyDeleteyou're so absolutely awesome! we luv you
you're a beautiful man :)
ReplyDeleteHere in Israel you can't take two steps without bumping into a cat. We don't have squirrels like they do in the US, we have cats. There used to be a rat problem here and during the British Mandate cats were brought over from the UK to deal with it. Now we have a cat problem instead. While it is good-hearted to feed them, it kind of makes the problem bigger, because then there are just more and more poor, starving, suffering, sickly cats. The money spent on feeding them should really be spent on neutering them so the problem doesn't persist.
ReplyDeleteI heard they're thinking about bringing in owls to solve the cat problem. (Those must be some hungry owls.)
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