A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Go see the movie ONCE.

I've gone twice so far. It's incredibly good. Glen Hansard sings with so much passion. And Marketa Irglova charms you the second she shows up on the screen.

I went straight from the theater to the record store to by the soundtrack (luckily I saw it at a mall).

So go. It's the first moivie in a long while that I KNOW I'm buying when it comes to DVD.


togaone said...

brazilian fan passing by!!
Keep the good work!

Question Mark said...

I heartily agree. Hopefully it gets a bit of love come Oscar time, since at least one of the songs deserves a nomination. Once is also one of the all-time great date movies.

Capcom said...

OK, you convinced me! I almost went this weekend because of your previous mention, but I didn't. So this week, I go! :-)

Capcom said...

BTW, since we're recommending movies, if anyone doesn't mind subtitles, "La Vie En Rose", about Edith Piaf, is excellent. Very moving. People clapped at the end. If anyone had a life of hard-knocks and managed to rise above it for a while, it was Piaf, wow.

The movie flow is non-linear, a lot like LOST, with flashbacks/fowards/etc. Piece of cake for LOST fans, right? :-)

Anonymous said...

It not playing anywhere near the DFW metroplex... bummer

maven said...

I've heard nothing but great things about this film. It's definitely on my list now!

Julie said...

Too bizare - my friend and I were talking about this at dinner last night. It's one of those small, but v. well done movies that hope will do well based on the word of mouth buzz.

The only drag re: a possible Oscar song nomination is that the Academy just changed the rules and you can't send out a copy of the soundtrack "for your consideration" you can now only send a copy of the film.

I hope that this movie gets at least one song nomination but this new rule may hurt its chances.

But - you can still go and enjoy the movie, it's a gem in a year that's been kinda lame, I think.

evca said...

Jak semáš, Jorgi???

Eve y Magui said...

i want to know if you speak spanish, because i know you are oh south america. im argentinan, i really like your blog, if you tell this movie its great i going to watch it!

alexandrack said...

Jorgito cariñoo por que no nos escribes algo en español??
Te lo agradeceria mucho, porque me entero de la mitad que escribes! jejeje. bueno, te dejo mi dire por si quieres agregarme (supernena_93@hotmail.com)
Por cierto, me llamo sandra, tengo 20 años y soy española.
Un besazoo!!!

Um Mero Espectador said...

Hi Hugo Reyes
Hi Jorge Garcia

Welcome to the Blogosfera!

If you want, visit de oldest blog about lost in Brasil

It was a honor to us!!


Keep the good work

Karma said...

Me encantó Once. Hice lo mismo que tú, le dediqué un post en mi blog, solo que un poco más largo.
Una música preciosa.

Karen said...

I know I am a bit late to your blog, but I am so happy you enjoyed this film. As a Dubliner and a Lost fan it makes me incredibly happy that you did :D

Elizabeth said...

You should totally check them out if you're going to be back in LA for the summer. They're playing the Bowl in July, I think as 'The Swell Season'. Highly recommended, A double plus.