We discovered a Bavarian restaurant at the bottom of the hotel.

We were starving and they had pretzels on the table so we were sold.
Ordering was fun because there was no English menu.
So Beth got something with words we could recognize.

"Bratwurst" we know.
What a "schnecke" is we'll later learn.
Also I knew "Kartoffel" was potato from Oktoberfest "Kartoffel Salat."
and "Püree" is puree in any language right?
So we figured that's bratwurst with mashed potatoes.
And... tah dah!

We passed the test. Turns out "Schnecke" means "snail."
I decided, since we had that as a safety, I'd be bold and get the special of the day. And the "Montag" special was...

I had nothing. I knew "Kraut." So I was getting Bavarian kraut. And that's all I knew.
But I lucked out.

It was excellent. Whatever "knödeln" are, I dig 'em. This is what I figured a home cooked meal would taste like in the Bavaraian wood.